Wildlife Disease Association



Photo Credit: Gabriel Olthof great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo



WDA Newsletter

The Newsletter is published quarterly to keep members informed of association business as well as items of contemporary interest in wildlife health and conservation. The newsletter is distributed electronically to member’s emails.

The former Journal of Wildlife Disease Supplement, published from January 1998 – July 2007, evolved into the current Wildlife Disease Association Newsletter. Archived versions of the former JWD Supplement and the Newsletter can be found here.

Sections, student chapters and committees are all encouraged to submit updates on their activities. If you have ideas or content that you would like to submit for inclusion in the newsletter, please contact the current Newsletter Editor WDA Communications Officer Lyndell Whyte (communications@wildlifedisease.org) or Executive Manager Peregrine Wolff (exec.manager@wildlifedisease.org).