Wildlife Disease Association

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Conference Committee

Photo Credit: Emilie Bouchard snow bunting Plectrophenax nivalis


Conference Committee

This is a standing committee of the WDA as specified in the appendix to the Bylaws.


To create and coordinate effective means for engaging all our members in scientific knowledge sharing.


Sonia Hernandez, Chair, Vice President vice.president@wildlifedisease.org

Perigrine Wolff, Executive Manager, Exec.manager@wildlifedisease.org

Jonathan Sleeman, Local Host, jsleeman@usgs.gov

Mainity Batista Linhares, Student member, m.batistalinhares@uq.edu.au

Marie Moinet, member, Marie.Moinet@agresearch.co.nz



- To secure appropriate sites and dates for annual conferences and present these to Council for approval

- To attempt to equitably distribute conference sites based on membership distribution and conference site distribution history

- To recommend to Council the appointment of a Local Organizing Committee chair

- To support the Local Organizing Committee in the preparation of a provisional conference budget at least 6 months in advance of the Conference, and a close-out budget within 6 months following the conference

- To facilitate the preparation of contractual arrangements for signing by the WDA Executive Manager

- To ensure event liability insurance is in place for the conference

- To provide recommendations to the Local Organizing Committee on virtual and physical accessibility features for the Annual International Conference

- To organize the Annual Auction at the Annual International Conference

- To develop and conduct knowledge-sharing forums outside of the Annual International Conference, including for example webinars, under the direction of the WDA Officers, Executive Manager or Council

-- To work closely with other committees to achieve the above


- To develop recommendations relating to knowledge-sharing events, including the Annual International Conference for Council

- Arrange or endorse event liability insurance up to US $3000

- Direct the Local Organizing Committee in the preparation of a provisional and close-out budget for the Annual International Conference

- Organize and conduct the Annual Auction

- Conduct webinars and other knowledge-sharing forums as directed by the Officers, Executive Manager or Council




Purpose & Mission

The CANUSA Student Chapter of the Wildlife Disease Association was established to collaborate and enhance networking between university and non-university chapter-affiliated students within Canada and the United States (including U.S-owned territories, and other proximate regions by request). Its primary role is to support pre-conference student workshops planning and other student-associated events.

It plays a central part in networking between existing CANUSA region university chapters by providing a common communication point, and offers a unique opportunity for regional membership for individuals residing within the CANUSA regions who may not have access to local chapters through a university.

Contact the chapter on canusa.wda@gmail.com

Officers 2023-2025

Faculty Advisor: Marianthi Ioannidis - ioannidis.marianthi@gmail.com

President: Joy Flowers - jgf5234@psu.edu

President Elect: Cambrey Knapp - cambrey.knapp@gmail.com

Secretary: Lisa Lee - cambrey.knapp@gmail.com

Treasurer: Caide Woottend -  caide.wooten.dvm@gmail.com

Communications Chair: Brittany Barner  - brittany.barner@lmunet.edu

Workshop Planning Chair: Nikki Castleberry -  neotoma@uga.edu

Social Media Chair: Erica Suitor - erica.suitor@ucalgary.ca

Member At-Large: Madison Davis

Member At-Large: Matthew Kulpa -  kulpamat@gmail.com

Member At-Large: Charlotte Nury

Social Media

